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November, 30 Posts in 30 Days, Blogging Challenge?
It's easy to get into a slack mentality as the holiday season approaches. ?Why bother working so hard when there are fewer people who need to buy and sell? ?Well, this 30 in 30 blogging challenge is going to stop you from thinking that way.?
We all know that what we put out there for marketing today, doesn't pay off immediately. ?It means more future business. ?So let's not get our New Year off to the wrong start because we did nothing in November. ?Let's focus on creating that habit of daily blogging. ?We've done it before and we can do it again.
This 30 for 30 challenge has a special twist. ?A local event twist. ?At least one post per week will need to focus on a local event. ?Maybe there's a Toys for Tots gift collection center you want to promote. ?A food bank that is collecting canned goods for a Thanksgiving dinner. ?Santa is bound to be taking up a seat at the local mall to meet the kids. ?Or maybe there's a community event that celebrates the season. ?Whatever you do, you'll need one of those localism posts per week.
Here are the 30 for 30 requirements:
Starting November 1st you need to post at least one blog post every day. ?
At least one blog post a week needs to focus on a local event.
All content needs to be original. ?No jokes or cut and paste emails you've received.
Speechless posts will not count. ?You are actually going to have to write.
The posts DO NOT need to have the title of the challenge in them.
The posts DO NOT need to be submitted to any particular group. ??
On December 1st, email Kerrie to let her know you've completed the challenge.
As if the motivation for the future business weren't enough, everyone who participates will receive an additional 3,000 points.?
For anyone who has not participated in a 30 for 30 blogging challenge, I recommend starting a list of topics. ?It's inevitable that somewhere in this challenge, your brain will encounter writer's block. ?Save some posts as word documents that you can cut and paste on busy days. ?That's also another inevitablity in a contest like this. ?Be prepared and have fun! ?
Chris Ann Cleland, Associate Broker- Licensed in Virginia, GRI, SFR, Northern Virginia Short Sale Specialist. Affiliated with Long & Foster, 7526 Limestone Drive, Gainesville, VA 20155.? To contact Chris Ann, call 703-402-0037 or email Or you can visit her website:?
Header?is a combination of photos from the Bristow, Gainesville & Haymarket areas, taken by Chris Ann Cleland.
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An Atlantic City resident surveys the damage done to a demolished section of the boardwalk on Tuesday morning.
By NBC News staff
Residents of Atlantic City, N.J. woke to scenes of flooding and destruction Tuesday morning after Superstorm Sandy made landfall hours earlier. Pieces of the city?s famed boardwalk were strewn around city streets still covered by floodwaters.
A flood advisory remained in effect until 1 p.m. Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service, and roadway flooding was likely to continue until Tuesday afternoon, along with wind gusts of up to 60 mph.
?The city is under siege,? said Thomas Foley, the city?s chief of emergency management was quoted as saying in the?New York Times.?
Crews from the city's Office of Emergency?Preparedness?were out surveying the damage on Tuesday morning.
Waves break next to an apartment building which flooded from Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 30, in Atlantic City, N.J.
Thousands were left without power on Tuesday morning, and crews from Atlantic City Electric were working as ?quickly as possible to restore service,? the company posted on Twitter. It mobilized more than 1,100 employees and contractors to help in the aftermath of the storm.
New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie talks to TODAY's Matt Lauer about his disappointment with Mayor Lorenzo Langford's "mixed messages," saying "I feel badly for the folks in Atlantic City who listened to him."
Early Tuesday morning, the city?s utility authority advised residents to boil water before drinking it.
?Unthinkable? destruction
Atlantic City?s most recognizable landmarks were scarred by the storm, with the 'J' in the Trump Taj Mahal sign appearing to be missing, according to the?Press of Atlantic City.
Northern New Jersey towns submerged after Sandy's surge penetrates defenses
Travel into and out of Atlantic City and other N.J. barrier islands, including Margate and Ocean City, was still prohibited on Tuesday morning, with no plan to lift the ban in the near future, an Office of Emergency Management spokesman told NBC News.
?The level of devastation along the Jersey shore is ?unthinkable,? said N.J. Gov. Chris Christie. Three deaths were reported in New Jersey on Tuesday morning.
Despite the destruction, the mayor of Atlantic City sounded a more positive note.
?As devastating as this storm was with respect to property damage, I think the glass is half full and not half empty,? said Mayor Lorenzo Langford on TODAY. ?We have experienced a minimal loss of life and injury and for that we should be thankful.?
The two men found themselves at the center of a public spat after Christie rebuked the mayor on Monday for offering some residents space in city shelters after an evacuation order was made.
?I feel badly for the folks in Atlantic City who listened to him and sheltered in Atlantic City,? Christie said on Tuesday morning on TODAY.
Yet the mayor was firm in his denial of Christie?s charges.
WCAU's Ted Greenberg reports from Atlantic City, N.J., where streets are flooded at "historic" levels by Hurricane Sandy, and a section of the city's famed boardwalk tore free and floated down the streets.
"Here we are in the throes of a major catastrophe and the governor has chosen to play politics,? said Langfod?on TODAY. ?Most residents did heed warnings to flee city. Unfortunately, there will always be those who did not heed that warning. We had a plan in place for those few residents who would decide at the last minute that they would not try to heed our warning and vacate the city but would try to hunker down, tough it out, only to find at some other time that they wanted to flee. We had that contingency plan in place."
Atlantic City mayor on Gov. Christie's rebuke: 'Misinformed and ill-advised'
Nearly 6 inches of rain fell on the city as Sandy swept through, according to The Weather Channel.
On Sunday, the city ordered its casinos evacuated in advance of the storm. Even before it made landfall, crashing waves claimed an old, 50-foot piece of Atlantic City's world-famous Boardwalk.
Atlantic City, N.J., famous for its boardwalk and casinos, is underwater this morning. The city's mayor, Lorenzo Langford, calls in to discuss the status of the flooded city and the harsh criticism he received from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Forecasters stripped Sandy of hurricane status just before it hit at 8 p.m. near Atlantic City ? but the distinction was purely technical, based on its shape and internal temperature. It still packed hurricane-force wind, and forecasters were careful to say it was still dangerous to the tens of millions in its path.
NBC News' Rachel Elbaum, the Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
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J.J. Hardy thought he'd hit a home run, only to be robbed when Mike Trout made one of the most sensational grabs of the season.
On Tuesday night, Hardy caught a break.
The Baltimore shortstop won a Gold Glove, putting him among a group of nine players honored for the first time for their fielding excellence.
"It means a lot to me," said Hardy, in his eighth big league season. "It's definitely an award I always hoped to get and never really expected to get. I'm surprised and honored at the same time."
Pittsburgh center fielder Andrew McCutchen, San Diego third baseman Chase Headley and Oakland right fielder Josh Reddick also were first-time selections.
"I'm just happy I can pull it out for them and get the A's name even more out there," Reddick said. "It's a huge honor, I'm always taking pride in both sides of my game and trying to be a complete player. You never know what one play, whether the first or the ninth inning, is going to win a ballgame. That's what my mother and father taught me."
Headley, who had a breakout year with the bat, said he and Padres coach Glenn Hoffman, a former major league shortstop, talked during spring training about improving his defense.
"The foundation was laid there," Headley said. "Obviously it's nice when you get the results when you focus on something. ... Your pitcher counts on you to make routine plays each and every time. I was able to do a better job this year."
The Orioles were the only team with three winners. Baltimore center fielder Adam Jones and catcher Matt Wieters were second-time choices, joining Hardy for the awards chosen by major league managers and coaches and presented by Rawlings.
Trout, the Angels rookie center fielder who spent the year climbing walls to take away potential homers, was not picked. Among his best catches came against Hardy at Camden Yards in June.
The San Francisco Giants, fresh off winning a World Series in which they excelled with their gloves, did not have a Gold Glover.
These were the first major awards presented during the offseason, and the MVPs, Cy Youngs and others will come in mid-November. Gold Gloves always seem to raise a ruckus, with many claiming the prizes ? actual gloves colored gold ? don't define the most deserving fielders.
Hardy led the AL in fielding percentage, making only six errors in 158 games. Others relying on more advanced metrics and insist Seattle's Brendan Ryan was the best shortstop ? then again, even though awards are strictly for fielding, players who don't produce at the plate often get bypassed, and Ryan hit a weak .194. Hardy hit 22 home runs.
"I've always hoped but I never expected it," Hardy said. "It's definitely an award I've seen a lot of shortstops get that are really flashy and kind of catch the eye of a lot of people. I don't look at myself that way. I kind of look at myself as just trying to be consistent and steady. I never felt like people noticed."
Wieters, meanwhile, was chosen despite leading AL catchers with 10 errors. He was recognized for the many things he does well ? he threw out 39 percent of would-be basestealers and rarely let pitches get past him.
Strong-armed St. Louis catcher Yadier Molina won for the fifth straight year and Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira added his fifth award. Texas third baseman Adrian Beltre, Philadelphia shortstop Jimmy Rollins and Miami pitcher Mark Buehrle became four-time winners.
"I think I'm just regular, above average, just like the other guys. I just love playing the position every night," Beltre said. "I take my position as a challenge and want to make every play I can. I don't see myself as that good."
Buehrle won three times with the Chicago White Sox before joining the Marlins last winter.
"With a whole new group of managers voting for you, it wasn't like it was handed to you," Buehrle said. "The Gold Glove gets to be, 'He won it last year, give it to him again.' This one means a lot, because switching leagues, it was different managers voting on it. I had to do my job to earn it."
The other first-time winners in the National League were Washington first baseman Adam LaRoche, Chicago Cubs second baseman Darwin Barney and Atlanta right fielder Jason Heyward.
"I'm extremely thrilled," Barney said. "It's something you came into the season working toward, but it's not something that I thought the results would be there as quickly as they were. I'm extremely happy about it. There's a lot of good competition out there, obviously, and I'm really surprised that ended up happening for me. So it's an exciting night for me."
In the AL, pitchers Jake Peavy of the White Sox and Jeremy Hellickson shared the honor as first-time winners. This was only the third time since the Gold Gloves were first presented in 1957 that there was a tie ? there were four NL outfielders in 2007 and four AL outfielders in 1985.
Also winning this year: Yankees second baseman Robinson Cano, Kansas City left fielder Alex Gordon and Colorado left fielder Carlos Gonzalez.
Several players were rewarded for their wins.
Beltre received a $100,000 bonus and Hardy got $75,000, Gordon, LaRoche, Molina, Peavy and Rollins each added $50,000; Gonzalez, Jones and McCutchen $25,000 apiece.
In addition, Gordon's salaries for 2014 and 2015 increase by $250,000 a year to $10.25 million and $12.75 million. His 2016 player option also rises by $250,000 to $12.75 million.
AP Sports Writers David Ginsburg, Steven Wine, Bernie Wilson and Schuyler Dixon contributed to this report.
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Chevrolet's Camaro gets a special appearance edition in the form of the Hot Wheels Edition, Ireson writes. The Hot Wheels upgrade costs?$6,995 and is available on any standard Camaro or Camaro Convertible.
By Nelson Ireson,?Guest blogger / October 29, 2012
General Motors Vice President of Global Design Ed Welburn unveils the 2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 -- the fastest Camaro ever offered by Chevrolet --at the Chicago Auto Show in this February 2011 file photo. Chevrolet's Camaro is getting a special Hot Wheels Edition, Ireson writes.
Tyler Mallory/Chevrolet/Reuters/Handout
EnlargeBMW has launched a new Frozen Limited Edition of the 2013 M3?Coupe, and it wears a special Frozen pain finish in a range of colors, as well as getting the Competition Package and other goodies.
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Chevrolet's Camaro also gets a special appearance edition, in the form of the Hot Wheels Edition, a $6,995 package upgrade on any standard Camaro or Camaro Convertible--which can be ordered from your dealer. The?car?will make its debut at SEMA this week.
And Lexus is also bringing a car to SEMA, but this time it's not just about looks: Lexus is adding a supercharger to the GS 350 F Sport. Yes, it sounds like fun to us, too.?
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British scientists have designed a prototype of a highly sensitive scanner that can detect diseases such as prostate cancer and HIV in very early stages. They consider their discovery extremely useful in countries where high-tech detection equipment is scarce.
The researchers, from Imperial College London, reported that their new visual sensor technology is 10 times more sensitive than traditional disease detectors that measure biomarkers in the body, according to Medical News Today.
The team tested the sensor's accuracy in looking for a biomarker known as p24 that's associated with HIV in human blood samples. They tested other samples for the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) marker, one indicator of prostate cancer.
The National Cancer Institute predicts that more than 240,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012 and that more than 28,000 of them will die. A male newborn has a one in six chance of developing this disease.
The two standard ways of detecting this cancer are a digital rectal exam and a PSA test. In early stages, many cases have no symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, use of the PSA test is debatable because studies have never proven that the blood test saves lives. It can yield suspicious results even when the patient merely has an infection.
The new sensor detects prostate cancer by looking for PSA in a blood sample. With a positive result, irregular clumps of nanoparticles form and emit a specific blue shade inside the disposable container. For a negative test, the nanoparticles separate and form shapes that resemble a ball. The process creates a red hue. Both colors are visible to the naked eye.
The ultra-sensitive sensor could detect certain diseases at much earlier stages than current technology can find. It found miniscule levels of p24 in samples from patients with low HIV viral loads, a result impossible with standard tests like the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).
The next step toward implementation is finding a sponsor among not-for-profit global health organizations to oversee the strategy for development, funding, and distribution of the technology.
While use of the sensor in the United States might be years away, the device is of special interest to my family. After years of lower-than-average PSA results, the numbers for my husband, who has a family history of prostate cancer, shot up last year. A test six months later showed even higher numbers.
The urologist performed prostate biopsies that caused bleeding and discomfort for weeks. The results showed no sign of malignancy, calling into question the validity of the two tests. A year later, the numbers mysteriously returned to the low end of the normal range. It would be reassuring to have access to this sensitive new sensor, knowing that it has the capacity to detect prostate cancer in very early stages.
Vonda J. Sines has published thousands of print and online health and medical articles. She specializes in diseases and other conditions that affect the quality of life.
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The Mather Company is pleased to introduce one of our newest agents; Neha Jaggi!
Although I was born in India, I have lived in Lexington since I was 6 months old. So South Carolina is home! I graduated from White Knoll High in 2008 and then continued my education at University of South Carolina. I went to the Aiken campus for a semester and then transferred to the Columbia campus and finished my Bachelor?s Degree in Biology with a minor in Business Administration in May of 2012. I hope to go back to school in the near future, but until then I hope to be able to help you have a pleasant and satisfying experience while buying or selling your home! |
Contact Neha: Phone: (803) 351-9462 |
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A few of the much less positive effects of pregnancy consist of problems like body aches, hormonal modifications, tension, and hunger. This post hopes to resolve some of these problems which you might be facing throughout your pregnancy and guide you to a more pleased, healthier location. Pregnancy is a superb time, and managing it properly can result in a wholesome kid, prepared for the globe ahead!
Have an HIV test to make sure your pregnancy will be healthy. If it happens that your HIV test results are positive, you and your doctor will be better able to plot for your pregnancy and birth and the health of your newborn. This also helps you find a doctor who can help care for your HIV during and after your pregnancy.
Although withdrawal could be an concern, it is necessary to stay away from caffeine although you might be pregnant. Caffeine could result in difficulties for the establishing child. For these factors, you ought to stay away from caffeine although you might be pregnant.
Consider enlisting the help of a doula during your pregnancy. A doula can be defined as a person who gives non-medical support to a pregnant mother and her family before, during and after delivery. She can offer emotional support during your pregnancy, and may help you to achieve any wishes for a natural delivery as well.
Dry crackers, and other bland foods, have been a stalwart food choice for pregnant women for centuries. Keeping your stomach full with these foods will help ease nausea and vomiting. Choosing foods with more acid or grease instead has the reverse effect, adding to stomach discomfort and other digestion issues.
Pregnancy is really a time whenever you ought to educate your self as a lot as feasible to ensure that you and your infant will get the very best care feasible. There?s a lot which you ought to know about pregnancy. The much more which you learn, the much more ready you?ll be for the procedure. Appreciative what lies ahead will help you to decrease your tension and have the ability to be grateful for becoming pregnant.
Ensure you spend unique attention for your teeth once you are pregnant. Your gums could bleed or swell once you brush your teeth and floss, as hormones boost in the course of pregnancy. Use a soft toothbrush once you brush your teeth and when flossing, be gentler.
In the course of pregnancy, you ought to get rid of any caffeinated items from your diet regime. Caffeine can result in sleep deficiency, amongst other negative side effects. Nibbling on crackers all through the day can aid to cool your nausea. Consuming a wholesome diet regime may also enable you to get the restful sleep that you simply want.
Do not eat an excessive amount of once you are pregnant, to ensure that you do not have too several undesirable pounds to shed post-pregnancy. You ought to not consume twice your typical intake of food. Through the last six months that you happen to be pregnant, you may want about 200-300 added calories every day to help your child effectively make.
Attempt to decrease tension as a lot as feasible throughout pregnancy. Tension impacts the fetus also as the woman carrying it. Tension can occasionally trigger a infant to become born prematurely.
Make certain you take time for your self. Whenever you lastly give birth, life will turn out to be a lot much more complex than right now, and you?re going to have a lot much less time to pamper your self. Go get that manicure, go to your greatest buddies, or indulge inside your preferred leisure activity. It?ll help you to really feel much better, and also the infant will too.
The guidance you?ve just read about ought to place you in a pleased mindset in the event you adhere to this wholesome pregnancy guidance. Pregnancy is complete of challenges, but it may be a time of joy for each and every ladies. If you?re potentially afflicted with pregnancy associated matters, read more than the guidance and insights in this post for methods and suggestions you are able to apply for your life for solutions and relief.
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In this article, we will examine the mistakes done by individuals, which result in breaking up of a relationship.
1: Having affairs
Trust and fidelity are the cornerstones of a strong and everlasting romantic relationship. But having secret affair with another person, while being already committed can result in breaking relationship. You can never have a secret relationship with another girl, while being with someone else. No man and woman can tolerate that.
2: Lying to get out of sticky situations
Lying is to trust as kryptonite is to Superman. One white lie can destroy years of relationship. Lying to get out of situations can makes matters worse. Lies may seem harmless at first and odd. Lying means that you are not sincere with your partner.
Similarly, lies spread like plague and only manages to end up the relationship.
3: Pointing fingers or playing the blame game
Blame game also called pointing fingers can result in big fights over trivial matters. This becomes a habit, when you hold responsible the other person for ever action.
This is also becomes a plague, when girl is held responsible for everything.
4: Coming from work late
You need to spend time with your girlfriend in order to keep the relationship alive. But, if you arrive at the office at 6 in the morning and reach home at 10 pm, this tends to create an imbalance. The girl won?t be happy, as she has no importance in the eyes of her man.
Coming home this late will only result in deep sleep and unhappiness from the female side. If you can?t do the time, then don?t get into relationships.
5: Yelling and screaming to show superiority
If you can?t have a calm talk it out session with your girl, then you may call it quits. Your relationship is leading to doomsday.
Control your anger and talk to your girl nicely. Don?t ever yell and scream, that never leads to problem solving.
6: Not listening to your female: Taking her for granted
Not lending an able ear to your girl may also lead to the road to relationship conclusion. You have to give your girl some importance and make her feel secure. Have a face to face talk. Having a talk in front of a Chelsea vs. Manchester United football showdown is not exactly talking.
7: Discussing skeletons from the cupboard
Also, not very healthy and positive is the discussion of past mistakes, you or your women committed. Bringing up past mistakes again and again can destroy a relationship. It means you are not over your girl?s wrongdoings.
So, don?t take out skeletons from the cupboard. They can fuse the candle with one blow. Forgive and forget is the call of the day.
The final word
If you avoid, these seven deadly mistakes, then you can have a long and romantic relationship.
Don?t do these of the following:
1: Yelling
2: Discussing past mistakes
3: Screaming
4: Lying
5: Not responding
These are counterproductive to any relationship. Long hours at the office will finish the relationship.
The blame game and pointing fingers are also not very healthy either. Follow the seven doomsday rules, to avoid doomsday.
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The needs of internet hosting are huge! Most people tend to be more engaged on the net and need to generally be observed around the globe so that they started out to generate their unique blog page internet site to share exactly where they are able to also create decent things regarding their self and pursuits. You can get increased web-based business owners who make investments their time and money to build an internet site exactly where they will market items for nearby and global industry. They understood that Online is a big spot for marketing and advertising which they might quite possibly boost their incomes. Also to that, there are various webhosting organization takes place to supply internet hosting products. Internet hosting can be a massive job considering the fact that many people are relying to you personally. Right here are a few features of the good-standing word wide web internet hosting supplier:
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two. Pace and Area ? word wide web host need to be extremely fast! Purchasers want extremely fast usage of the things they wish to have hence the quicker the supplier can provide the greater. Place is necessary. It need to have an infinite room to be able to save as loads of as feasible information.
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four. Protection ? An online internet hosting business have to benefit the safety of the internet site. They have to suggest numerous alternatives of safety relying relating to the expectations of the homepage.
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When a book is heavy with glossy photographs, you seldom expect too much from its words. In ?The American Nurse,? though, it?s the narrative that hits you in the solar plexus.
Take the comments of Jason Short, a hospice nurse in rural Kentucky. Mr. Short started out as an auto mechanic, then became a commercial trucker. ?When the economy went under,? he says, ?I thought it would be a good idea to get into health care.? But a purely pragmatic decision became a mission: Mr. Short found his calling among the desperately ill of Appalachia and will not be changing careers again.
?Once you get a taste for helping people, it?s kind of addictive,? he says, dodging the inspirational verbiage that often smothers the healing professions in favor of a single incontrovertible point.
Some of the 75 nurses who tell their stories in this coffee-table book headed into the work with adolescent passion; others backed in reluctantly just to pay the bills. But all of them speak of their difficult, exhilarating job with the same surprised gratitude: ?It?s a privilege and honor to do what I do,? says one. ?I walk on sacred ground every day.?
They hail from a few dozen health care settings around the country, ranging from large academic institutions like Johns Hopkins in Baltimore to tiny facilities like the Villa Loretto Nursing Home in Mount Calvary, Wis., home to 50 patients and a collection of goats, sheep and other animals on a therapeutic farm. Some nurses are administrators, some staff wards or emergency rooms, some visit patients at home. Many are deeply religious, a few are members of the military, and a handful of immigrants were doctors in their home countries.
All describe unique professional paths in short first-person essays culled from video interviews conducted by the photographer Carolyn Jones. Their faces beam out from the book in Ms. Jones?s black-and-white headshots, a few posing with a favorite patient or with their work tools ? a medevac helicopter, a stack of prosthetic limbs or a couple of goats.
But even the best photographs are too static to capture people who never stop moving once they get to work. For a real idea of what goes on in their lives, you have to listen to them talk.
Here is Mary Helen Barletti, an intensive care nurse in the Bronx: ?My whole life I?ve marched to a the beat of a different drummer. I used to have purple hair, which I?d blow-dry straight up. I wore tight jeans, high heels and ? God forgive me ? fur (now I am an animal rights activist). My patients loved it. They said I was like sunshine coming into their room.?
Says Judy Ramsay, a pediatric nurse in Chicago: ?For twelve years I took care of children who would never get better. People ask how I could do it, but it was the most fulfilling job of my life. We couldn?t cure these kids, but we could give them a better hour or even a better minute of life. All we wanted to do was make their day a little brighter.?
Says Brad Henderson, a nursing student in Wyoming: ?I decided to be a nurse because taking care of patients interested me. Once I started, nursing just grabbed me and made me grow up.?
Says Amanda Owen, a wound care nurse at Johns Hopkins: ?My nickname here is ?Pus Princess.? I don?t talk about my work at cocktail parties.?
John Barbe, a hospice nurse in Florida, sums it up: ?When I am out in the community and get asked what I do for a living, I say that I work at Tidewell Hospice, and there?s complete silence. You can hear the crickets chirping. It doesn?t matter because I love what I do; I can?t stay away from this place.?
The volume is not entirely about selfless service: It was underwritten by Fresenius-Kabi, a German health care corporation and leading supplier of intravenous drugs in the United States. Presumably, crass public relations motives lurk somewhere in the background. But that?s no real reason to be meanspirited about the result, a compelling advertisement for an honorable profession.
Young people with kind hearts and uncertain futures might just sit themselves down with the book, or wander through the Web site featuring its video interviews,, and see what happens.
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Established Online Business with 4 Letter Premium?LLLL?Pronounceable Very Rare Domain Name (ZIQF.COM) in Hot Selling??Internet Marketing?, 'Social Marketing' and 'Search Engine Optimization'?Niches. Income is generated by providing Services and this is NOT depending on Adsense or Affiliate income. Hence the income is expected to be Month after Month from regular orders from repeat clients.
4 Letter AGED Premium Domain Name is an added advantage to this business.
Godaddy Certified Appraisal Value of Domain Name Alone is USD 442-1030
Twitter Account of with over 13000 Loyal Followers.
How this works?
There are Five (5) Businesses/Income Streams included in this site.
1) Providing Social Marketing Services.??
2) Providing Search Engine Optimization Services.?
3) Selling Established Auto Blogs.
4) Domains and Hosting: (Domains and Hosting: ?Reseller Services: ) ?Selling all Website Requirements from Domain Name Registrations to Web Hosting, SSL to Web Designing.
5) Video Marketing: Providing video reviews and video marketing services to the clients.?
We have a service provider that is extremely cost effective. ?They provide a great service, and are very good at what they do for the price they do it. ?You are welcome to do it yourself or hire your own service providers for certain services, but generally they will do the job for approximately 40% of what you receive.?
?You will own and control everything including Domain, Hosting and Payment options.
You also have the liberty to provide service on your own OR you may choose any Service Provider of your choice.
So....What is Included?
1. 4 Letter Premium Very Rare Domain Name ( with Godaddy Certified Appraisal value of upto $1030 for Domain Name Alone.
2. Complete content of the site.
3. Twitter Account with over 13000 Followers.
4. FREE Hosting for 1 Year.
5. Social Marketing Services
6. Domains, Hosting and Reseller Hosting Services.
7. SEO, Blog Creation and Video Marketing Services.
8. Premium Theme
9. Affiliate Management tools with over 27 Active Affiliates.
10. All in One SEO Package (Details Below)
11. The Best Spinner Software Integration (to produce unique content automatically) available.
12. Traffic Software (Web Traffic Genius) to bring in traffic automatically.
13. Step by Step Methods that we used to generate sales and the Service Provider's Contact details.
14. 24/7 Support until you are able to run the business on your own.
EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS: With this sale, you are getting EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to this Business!
CUSTOMER SUPPORT will be provided by the Service Provider should you need it. All you have to do is to promote the services that you offer (easy step by step instruction is included) and forward the orders to Service Provider. ?Provide great service to your customers and they will continue to come back and order more.
Few Highlights of this Business:
1)????? 4 Letter Premium LLLL Domain ? Very Rare to Get! Almost Every 4 Letter Domains have been registered years ago and very rarely dropped and hence the value and price of 4 Letter Domains are increasing. Finding a premium LLLL Domain is almost impossible nowadays!
2)????? All in One Package: (Hot!!): This is the Only Package providing you everything you need to promote your Website. This will kick start your Internet? Marketing campaign.?? ( ?
3)????? Domains and Hosting Business: Start your own Domains and Hosting business like! Be your own Domain Registrar and have your own Name Servers! ( You can be your own Reseller like Godaddy and increase your client base. ( ?
4)????? A Complete Business in a Box: It is a complete business in a box that you can start running from the day 1. Everything included to run this business and you will just have to follow simple steps to quick start your business. ?
5)????? Methods to Generate Sales: We are including every single method that we used to generate sales. ?
6)????? Twitter Account: Twitter Account with over 13000 followers.
??? a) Monthly promotion using Angela and Paul Backlinks (USD 27 Value per month)
??? b) Link Pyramid with 300 High PR Links and 4000 profile links (USD 37 Value per month)
??? c) Link wheel with 6 Web 2.0 properties and 3000 profile links (USD 37 Value per month)
??? d) 100 .edu Backlinks (USD 97 Value per month)
??? e) 30000 backlinks from Statistic Sites (USD 27 Value per month)
??? f) Article Marketing (USD 27 Value per month)
??? g) Blog Commenting (USD 27 Value per month)
??? h) Social Bookmarking (USD 27 Value per month)
??? i) Facebook Fanpage with at least 1000 likes (USD 47 Value per month)
I hope that with the Monthly promotion and SEO service, the website will reach PR 3 or more during the next PR update.
Financial Details
Although we are not claiming any Profit on this specific site, it HAS generated leads, but we mainly receive revenue from ongoing clients that will not be included in the sale. ?Because of this we havn't needed to actively market the site and generate new leads.
You will need to market the site and generate new leads.
Generally a $100 investment in marketing will provide 10-20 leads that purchase a service (from roughly 100,000 people a month, this should be VERY doable). ?This can be up to $2,000 of Revenue. The main value is when you provide a great service and get returning clients. ?If half your clients end up buying from you over and over, and you are still generating 10-20 leads a month, within a few months you will have quite a large revenue generating business while reducing the amount of time needed to market the site.
THIS is where the money is for the site.
To express your interest to the seller, or post a public comment, you need to log in or sign up.
Listing details are copyright of the seller. The seller grants a permanent, irrevocable and unrestricted licence over the listing details to Flippa.
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Bestselling author Amor Towles is in the Yorkville branch of the Toronto Public Library, describing how a man in Manhattan once asked him for help and then led him down a set of basement stairs to an unknown destiny.
The author of Rules of Civility, dapper in jeans, a white shirt and beige jacket, is speaking at an exclusive event for the library?s New Collection, a group of under-40 philanthropists.
New Collection is the library foundation?s youth wing, an attempt to attract the dollars of the city?s rich young elite.
Their participation is vital if cultural institutions like it are going to survive as fewer and fewer people give to charity.
Since 1990, the number of people claiming charitable deductions on tax returns has gone down 22.5 per cent. And although the amount donated has recently gone up, it?s only because the baby boomers and civics, the group born in 1945 and before, are giving more.
That can?t last forever.
?It is critical for Canadian charities to start tapping into Gen X and Gen Y,? says Karen Willson, senior vice president at KCI, the country?s largest fundraising consultant firm. ?They are the future to the financial well-being of our charitable sector.?
On this Saturday night, most of the 50 or so people in the audience at the Yorkville branch, which with no small irony was built by a donation from Andrew Carnegie ? the U.S. titan of philanthropy ? are in the right age group.
Towles, who moved from a Boston suburb to the Big Apple when he was 25, inhaled New York for more than 20 years before he breathed life into the pages of Rules of Civility, his first novel. The book is about how a woman?s chance encounter with a man at a club in the ?30s shapes her life. It was named one of the best works of fiction in 2011 by the Wall Street Journal.
The author finishes his story about the basement in New York ? it turns out a congregation of Orthodox Jews was eating dinner in a dark basement on the Sabbath and needed somebody to turn on the lights ? and begins another. It?s about a dinner again, this time at a restaurant with his wife.
Towles was about to say hello to a man he recognized at an adjacent table ? the father of a friend ? when he heard the woman across from the man say: ?For seven years you?ve been telling me you?re going to leave that woman. When are you going to do the right thing??
Towles and his wife had inadvertently heard the details of the couple?s seven-year affair.
It?s those kind of personal stories the foundation hopes will entice young professionals to join New Collection for $300 a year. For $500 you can bring a friend.
It?s ?entry level philanthropy,? says Gillian Hewitt Smith, who sits on the library?s board. The library holds similar events for over-40 patrons who give $1,000 or more.
The donations don?t replace core municipal funding. The $3- to $5 million raised each year is used to enhance programs and services, such as the Sun Life Financial Museum and Arts Pass, which gives library members ? many in priority neighbourhoods ? access to free passes for cultural venues including the zoo. The foundation raised $30 million for the Toronto Reference Library?s revitalization project.
?The country is going through a pretty significant transformation,? says Smith, referring to a StatsCan report that said by 2011 our net labour force growth could be entirely dependent on immigration, as would Canada?s net population growth in 20 years.
?Just think about that for a second. All we?re doing is holding the absolute number of people steady in the country,? she says. ?So what that means is if you?re not fully engaging every single Canadian politically, socially, culturally and economically, the country goes backwards. It doesn?t matter if you?re an employer, a consumer or a cultural institution. We physically need all hands on deck.?
Getting that level of involvement means foundations will have to change the way they do business.
?I think they have to provide different opportunities to younger donors,? says Andrew Watt, CEO and president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Instead of sitting on boards and using their contacts, ?people actually want to feel engaged, not just with the glitz and the glamour, but with the organization,? he says. ?And understand what it wants to achieve.?
Smith says that when the New Collection committee did that research, they found that although younger patrons were interested in socializing, they ?wanted the chance to think broadly about city building issues or issues in general. Those are the types of speakers that we?ve brought to their attention over the last little while.?
The series has included Jodi Kantor, the New York Times journalist who wrote The Obamas, and Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh who penned Trainspotting.
Next month, Helen Burstyn will talk about The Life of David Pecaut, the book she wrote about her late husband who co-founded Luminato.
New Collection hopes to attract 300 to 500 members.
?The spirit of what we?re trying to do, and the institution that we?re supporting, is open to absolutely everyone,? says Smith. ?That?s the point. We?re trying to support an institution that supports us all.?
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