Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Take a leadership self-assessment ? Business Management Daily ...

Whether you feel like a ?born leader? or a thinly veiled fraud, you can develop valuable insights by quizzing yourself on your skills, traits and experience as a leader.

On each of these items, give yourself an ?S? for strong or ?N? for needs improvement:

  • Work hard and selflessly to meet my team?s goals.
  • Ask for tough assignments and take full responsibility.
  • Plan ahead, and stick to the plan despite obstacles.
  • Transform difficult employees into contributors.
  • Handle crises without flagging on the group?s main goals.

Now add a couple of traits that may be unique to your organization and you?ve got a starting point for your professional development.

? Adapted from AMA Business Boot Camp, edited by Edward T. Reilly, Amacom.

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