Monday, November 5, 2012

Make Your Own ? Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix | Active Vegetarian ...

Ok this post was inspired by my recent trip to Whole Foods. As Nikki and I were working away on creating the ?Pumpkin?Madness? post we knew we needed a good pumpkin spice mix. However a small jar was $6.49?.WHAT????

So we decided to make our own :)

If?you?ve?never made your own spice blends, I?d encourage you to try it!

It?s simple, saves money, and you avoid the chemical additives that are in most spice blends.

This is what you need:

3 tablespoons ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons ground ginger

2 teaspoons nutmeg

1 ? teaspoons ground allspice

1 ? teaspoons ground cloves

Combine spices in a small bowl, mix well to combine. Store in a small jar or spice container.

Talk soon




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