Sunday, November 4, 2012

POST SCRIPTS: Saturday's Protest by Tea Partiers in California

by Jack

On Sat. at noon the Tea Party here and in other cities in California, staged a protest over the Benghazi incident and the murders of four Americans. As you know, many questions remain unanswered and the answers to date have caused many of us to be disgusted. Something was terribly wrong with how this was handled and the Tea Party wanted to rally support to get the truth out.

In Chico, the old parking lot at the closed Bank of America was the staging ground for these conservatives from a number of political parties. Most were over 60, but there were younger families there too. They carried large American flags to show their patriotism and they had signs questioning the Benghazi inaction and deception. These were the folks that filtered out to the four corners of Notre Dame at the Skyway, They stood there quietly, but sometimes waving to those supporters honking or giving a thumbs up. I noted that the majority of people passing by were very supportive and that was gratifying and personally reassuring that patriotism and common sense are still alive.

fingerman.jpgThen there were the others. Those were the people who hate such gatherings. I can't imagine why...but they do. The mildest of them would look away, refusing to acknowledge the presence of so many flags and caring Americans. And a few others gave us the finger and a few yelled obscenities as they sped past.

At one point the westbound lane of the Skyway was backed up 15 cars deep at the long stoplight. This placed the outside lane within a few feet of a long line of protesters. Then it happened. A man in a late model sedan, his wife and children in the car, started chanting "Obama, Obama, Obama" and shaking his fist in the air, obviously in an attempt to provoke this decent gathering of older Americans present only to demand justice and accountability for murdered Americans. Why would anyone in this country feel hatred or anger towards such a decent purpose? Was it because they dared to ask questions about the Obama Administration or was it over the expression of free speech, so close to a contested election that angered these jerks? Whatever it was, there were those who felt hate so much they had to spew it at the demonstrators. I wondered, why would this screaming driver try to provoke a crowd of people with his family in his car? That was irresponsible. He was being a bully and cowardly because he was using his wife and children as a shield. He continued to shout insults as the light changed and traffic moved forward, even though his frightened wife rolled up her passenger window to silence his venom from the crowd.

These random incivilities, by people favoring another side, was yet another glaring example of the difference between two philosophies that dominate today's politics.

On one side we have the conservatives and that means folks who are predisposed to be reserved, prudent and that is a life style that extends to all things, not just politics. It is especially true among the older, and wiser citizens. And on the other side are the radical, the rude, the imprudent, the in-your-face jerks, who would incite violence and insult decent, caring people, even if it meant putting their family at risk.

When the leftists arrived in Washington to celebrate their victory they left behind tons of trash, when the Tea Partiers arrived in Washington much later and in even greater numbers, they left the same space cleaner than when they arrived. Contrast that and their Tea Party protests later on to the Occupy movement, with thier arsons, the mountains of trash, the rapes, the murders and vandalisms in every city they protested.

We have a clear choice on Nov. the 6th to send a message which group we support, which philosophy we think is worthy. Then be prepared to embark a great mission to restore what has been good and decent about us. The left have tried to destroy our founders' values and the idealism that made us great. They want to change America into their vision of a socialist nation, but on Nov. the 6th they will hopefully be dealt a serious setback, and not a moment too soon!


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