Thursday, August 23, 2012

Top Ten Reasons why Construction Gains from Certification ...

There?s no question that the UK construction industry is going through difficult times. The latest government figures showed that output fell by almost 4% in the second quarter of 2012. Economic pressures continue to bear down on an industry that?s dealing with the need to maintain stringent risk management as well as to adopt more sustainable approaches to construction.

In this environment, standards have a strong role to play because they reduce variability and therefore risk; they impose structures that help control costs; and they provide a road-map to develop more sustainable practices.

Here are our top ten reasons to go for certification:

1. The quality standard ISO 9001 opens the door to tendering for a lot of contracts that otherwise would be out of reach. Public sector contacts especially, which represent around 40% by value of all UK construction projects, will be looking for ISO 9001.

2. You don?t need us to tell you about the drive for efficiency and cost control in the construction sector. ISO 9001 supplies a route-map to streamlining processes and finding cost savings and efficient ways of working, helping you save time and money.

3. It?s no secret that construction is a hazardous environment to work in. Certification to OHSAS 18001 can help in establishing strategies that could radically reduce the number of work related incidents and accidents; therefore reducing the associated human and financial costs.

4. Certification to OHSAS 18001 will significantly reduce the scope for regulatory fines that can arise from non-compliance with legislation such as the Working at Height Regulations. This is achieved through setting up robust processes to evaluate your own legal compliance, and through regular reviews of legal compliance by the certification auditor.

5. From Building Regulations Part L to the Green Deal, construction is under a great deal of pressure become more sustainable. Certification to ISO 14001, the environmental management standard, is a way to demonstrate that your operation is systematically reviewing and reducing its environmental impacts. This can lay the ground for more sustainable practices if coupled, for example, with local community action and employment of a local workforce.

6. In the course of reducing environmental impacts, you?ll most likely be saving money by using ISO 14001. This is because the biggest impacts are often directly related to your biggest costs, so lessening impacts also cuts costs. Using the standard will help you to structure more considered procurement policies and lead to less waste and reduced materials costs.

7. To specifically address energy use, certification to ISO 50001 for Energy Management Systems will help your business focus on where cost (and carbon) can be cut. Certification will also demonstrate to stakeholders and employees alike that you?re committed to playing your part in limiting your impacts on climate change.

8. No business is immune from unexpected catastrophes. ISO 22301 for Business Continuity management specifies a methodology for identifying and prioritising the key systems that can keep your business operational, should disaster strike. It could help keep you afloat should the worst happen, and at the very least certification to the standard will give you, and your stakeholders, peace of mind.

9. Because the physical assets of your business are critical to achieving your business goals, PAS 55 for asset management will help you get the best value from your equipment, facilities and people, and to improve your risk management.

10. And finally, society is rightly concerned that businesses are acting in socially responsible ways and this concern is growing. ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility isn?t a standard you can get certified to, but DNV can give you help in complying with ISO 26000, which is a route to enhanced reputation and competitive advantage. It may also be used as a framework for establishing your sustainability strategy.

Learn more on ISO 9001 consultants at


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